Bifuku Roujiya

Bifuku Roujiya,
Tea ceremony room renovation
Six tatami mats, lower seat alcove
View of the garden from the sitting area for waiting
Remaking the original "Tsuboniwa"(A small, traditional Japanese garden that recreates the beauty of nature.) into a tea garden that can also be used as a authentic open-air garden.

Sitting area for waiting
The frontage of the room can accommodate five guests comfortably.
There are glass doors behind the bamboo blind, and when the room is used as a guest room, the bamboo blind is rolled up so that the garden can be viewed from the room.
Space in front of the crawling entrance
In order to widen the space in front of the porch, we reduced the size of a part of the previous porch.
A sword-hanger is placed above the base window at the client's request.

A view from "Temaeza"(the seat for a host in a tea-ceremony)
Cutting a furnace in the originally existing Kyoma 6 tatami room
"De-ro"(furnace cut into the outer tatami mat adjacent to the tatami mats used for a host in a tea-ceremony), four-and-a-half tatami mats cut off

View of the garden from the room
The inner four-panel sliding door is pulled to the left, and the back two-panel glass door is pulled into the right side wall, so that the garden outside can be enjoyed with light and wind from inside the room.

"Okimizuya"(A movable Furniture for preparing and cleaning up after the tea ceremony)
The adjoining four-mat room has a 1.3-meter-wide "Okimizuya"(Movable furniture for preparing and cleaning up for a tea ceremony) and a shelf whose height can be freely changed.